
The Importance of Creativity in Advertising

Ask a professional in the business what the key to success is in advertising, and you’ll most likely get an answer is nothing is more efficient than creative advertising. Creative advertising is more memorable, longer lasting, works with less media spending, and builds a fan community…faster. Creativity is the soul ...

How Technology will Alter the Future of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing landscape is changing constantly. That why it’s crucial to always stay ahead of trends and implement the same in time. Metrics used to measure digital marketing and the level of interactivity involved have come to create new opportunities for marketers. Customer experience, functionality, micro-moments, targeted advertising etc. are ...

Creative Approaches to Business Problem Solving

Everything really comes down to solving problems. To be successful and a leader in your field, you not only have to come up with good solutions; you need to be innovative. And that can feel like waiting for lightning to strike. Creativity is applying imagination to address a challenge. Innovation is ...

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