
How PR can Promote in Marketing your New Business

Public Relations is an important marketing tool, and should be considered carefully. It is a way of connecting with your customers, suppliers and distributors. The objectives of Marketing PR are to build awareness, raise your profile and build credibility, and encourage your staff. Here are five Marketing PR methods that ...

How To Build an Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing. Today, it is nearly impossible to distribute content without an influencer marketing strategy. By aligning your marketing strategy with the right professionals, you open the door to more collaborative content creation efforts, co-opting ideas from chatter across a wider online network. Marketers have caught ...

The Importance of Creativity in Advertising Industry

Creativity, according to Torrance (1988), is the process of sensing and observing problems, making guesses about the deficiencies (problems), evaluating and testing these guesses or hypotheses, then revising and retesting them, and finally communicating the results. This theory is very well suited to the creative process of ad writing. One ...

Kiat Mempromosikan Bisnis Anda Melalui Social Media Campaign

Cara berpromosi secara tradisional dengan menyebarkan melalui radio, iklan TV dan iklan cetak hampir tidak seefektif dulu. Karena teknologi dan komunikasi yang selalu berubah serta kian berkembang menyebabkan perusahaan-perusahaan harus selalu menyesuaikan strategi pemasaran mereka dengan keadaan jaman. Di artikel ini akan dijabarkan strategi social media campaign dan bagaimana cara sebuah perusahaan ...

The Effectiveness of Social Media in Building Brand Awareness

Nowadays social media have become part of the world's lifestyle. We oftentimes hear that social media trends such as twitter, facebook and youtube have been so inseparable from our daily life that even television news today refers to social media. Social networking sites are media for social interaction with friendship ...

Strategi Content Marketing bagi Kelancaran Bisnis Online

Seiring berkembangnya teknologi di jaman sekarang ini para advertisers mempromosikan produknya tidak hanya menggunakan media televisi dan promosi melalui print ad tetapi mereka mulai menggunakan social media channel. Bisnis online ini sangat efektif untuk memasarkan barang atau produk karena makin banyaknya pengguna internet di dunia. Dengan makin banyaknya kompetitor di ranah bisnis online ini maka dibutuhkan strategi dan trik ...

Efektivitas Social Media dalam Mendukung Pemasaran Online

Efektivitas Social Media - Seiring berkembangnya teknologi di jaman sekarang ini para advertisers mempromosikan produknya tidak hanya menggunakan media televisi online dan promosi di website tetapi mereka mulai menggunakan social media channel. Mereka mulai menggunakan platform seperti Facebook dan twitter untuk berinteraksi dengan para konsumennya melalui comments dan twit yang di share oleh para konsumennya, sambil menyediakan informasi mengenai berbagai produk dan layanan yang mereka berikan. Perusahaan ...

Reasons Why You Must Post Free Ads

Basically an advertisement means a form of communication, which is used to market a product / service to the targeted audience and manipulated them to take some action. Altogether there are many forms of advertising available in the market. We broadly divide advertisements into two categories viz Print and Media ...

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