
Mengenal Linkedin Jaringan Para Professional

Setiap perusahaan membutuhkan social media untuk mendekatkan diri ke masyarakat, baik itu untuk memperkenalkan brand atau produk mereka maupun bentuk customer service yang friendly. Salah satu social media adalah Linkedln. Linkeldn merupakan jaringan sosial berbasis bisnis. Biasanya jejaring ini digunakan untuk menemukan rekomendasi para expert di bidangnya, partner bisnis maupun kandidat karyawan. Di satu sisi, memudahkan calon pekerja untuk menemukan perusahaan ...

Disadvantages Of Social Media

We are living in a world filled with the social media craze. From Facebook to Twitter, the world has embraced the new tools that help thousands interact each day no matter where they are. There are so many merits that come with social media and this is undeniable. However, what ...

Media For Public : Predicting Future Technologies

Technology is largely a function of available categories. Some of these categories are technical, some are a product of social or business conditions, and others are concept-based (intellectual). It can be seen that in the past usually two or more equivalent categories combine to get a viable technology. Social media and ...

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