
How Technology will Alter the Future of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing landscape is changing constantly. That why it’s crucial to always stay ahead of trends and implement the same in time. Metrics used to measure digital marketing and the level of interactivity involved have come to create new opportunities for marketers. Customer experience, functionality, micro-moments, targeted advertising etc. are ...

Social Media Trends That Will Impact Digital Advertising

Social media has become a critical ingredient to every advertiser’s marketing mix. Gone are the days in which social media was simply used for product discovery and awareness. Today, social media marketing plays an increasingly important role in driving intent and conversion within the consumer journey. But the world of ...

Kiat Membangun Social Media Marketing yang Efektif

social media network background with icons vector Seiring dengan berkembangnya trend sosial media, para pebisnis mulai menyadari bahwa sosial media adalah hal penting yang dapat menyaingi kombinasi dari network marketing dan traditional advertising. Dengan social media marketing ini Anda dapat memperkenalkan brand secara luas serta memperkuat pangsa pasarnya. Sama halnya seperti strategi marketing lainnya, Anda hanya akan berhasil meraup ...

Creative Ideas for Product Promotion

A creative idea usually comes up from a person’s hectic routines, from observing the surrounding people, or searching for a gap whether or not an idea is good and realizable. In this era, people from all walks of life can come up with very creative ideas for there are demands ...

Pentingnya Menggunakan SEO Melalui Digital Agency

Apakah Anda pengusaha yang sedang mencari jasa promosi untuk produk atau brand? Anda pastilah sudah mendengar media promosi secara online yang sedang digandrungi oleh para marketer dan seluruh pemain pasar. Sekarang ini, anda tidak perlu khawatir akan kehilangan atau tidak dilirik oleh konsumen, karena media digital agency siap membantu anda untuk meningkatkan penjualan ...

Pentingnya Strategic Thinking bagi Kemajuan Bisnis Anda

Strategic thinking adalah sebuah sistem, langkah atau bahkan tindakan yang tidak hanya membuat sebuah perusahaan mempertahankan posisinya, tetapi juga meningkatkan perkembangan perusahaan tersebut. Ini termasuk strategic planning, operational planning, managing, dan identifying target konsumen. Strategic thinking atau planning membutuhkan analisa mendalam mengenai kekuatan dan kelemahan baik dari perusahaan Anda maupun kompetitor. Anda harus memiliki kemampuan untuk menganalisa secara cepat perubahan ...

Effectiveness of Word-of-Mouth marketing

Have you ever thought about the best way to market your brand? And have you ever heard of word-of-mouth marketing strategy? Word-of-mouth marketing or WOMM is a promotional strategy done either orally or in written form, online or offline, performed without charge. According to Entrepreneur Media, WOMM is the most ...

Essential Elements in Creating Catchy Ads

Great ad can definitely make people pause and stare at it. You must have lived in an isolated area if you have never seen any good ad. Why? Because ads are all around us. We see them when watching television, driving on the highway, reading a magazine, or listening to ...

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