
Powerful Tricks to Promote Your Business through Social Media

Traditional promotional strategies through radio, TV commercials and print ads are not as effective as they used to be. Since technology and communications keep changing and evolving, companies must always adapt their marketing strategies to the current state of affairs. This article will describe the social media campaign strategy and ...

Essential Elements in Creating Catchy Ads

Great ad can definitely make people pause and stare at it. You must have lived in an isolated area if you have never seen any good ad. Why? Because ads are all around us. We see them when watching television, driving on the highway, reading a magazine, or listening to ...

Peran Social Media dalam Strategi Pemasaran Produk

Saat ini social media sudah menjadi bagian dari gaya hidup masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Seluruh masyarakat dunia sudah mulai menggunakan social media dan di pastikan jumlahnya masih akan terus bertambah. Dari Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest dan Instagram, seluruh social media ini telah mengubah cara masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi di dalam kehidupan sosial. Social media tidak hanya menjadi ...

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