
4 Steps To A Successful AdWords Campaign

Not getting the satisfaction you want from your AdWords account? Want to make more money by spending less? Google AdWords has made many businesses successful by providing them with a great deal of highly targeted traffic for as little as 5 cents! Yet many webmasters and advertisers are incompetent when it ...

Importance of Advertising

Advertising is one of the oldest forms of public announcement and occupies a vital position in an organisation's product mix. According to the American Marketing Association, Chicago, "Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor." To advertise means to inform (seen as ...

Contractor Marketing: Branding Vs. Lead Generation

When an advertising rep comes to your office and starts talking about branding, what's the first thing that pops into your mind? I know what pops into mine... Most advertising reps push heavily on the idea that you have to "get your brand out there", "get people to know who you are", ...

Role of Merchandising in Today's Advertising

What part does merchandising play in today's advertising? It is undoubtedly assuming an increased and even new importance. This is in large measure due to the self-service trend in more and more retail stores. This trend has reached the point where "take-it-off-the-rack-at-Klein's" type of selling dominates the food and variety ...

What Is a Campaign?

"We're having a sales campaign in the fall." "The public relations campaign generated a lot of buzz for us." "Let's launch the new product with an aggressive marketing campaign." Okay, so what the heck is a campaign anyway? In the sales, marketing, and PR worlds, a campaign is simply a special ...

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Sosial Media di Indonesia

Analisis sosial media Indonesia, Saling Silang, merilis laporan tentang sosial media landscape Indonesia Twitter 86.9% dari tweet dikirim lewat handphone, dengan 12% message diantaranya di publish dari website.Blackberry semakin lama menjadi handphone dominan bagi para pengguna twitter, terlebih karena adanya UberSosial ( aplikasi twitter yang popular) dan official BlackBerry app Twitter untuk ...

Marketing vs. Advertising: What's the Difference?

You will often find that many people confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa. While both components are important they are very different. Knowing the difference and doing your market research can put your company on the path to substantial growth. Let's start off by reviewing the formal definitions of each ...

Membangun Citra dan Sales dengan Budget Terbatas

Saat ini banyak sekali klien bertanya, bagaimana caranya membangun citra dan sales dengan bujet terbatas di masa serba susah ini. Ada sebuah contoh kasus menarik. Pada tahun 2004, FAO Shwarz, sebuah perusahaan mainan Amerika legendaris, bangkit dari kebangkrutan dengan membuka toko di Vegas dan New York, serta meluncurkan kembali katalog ...

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