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{rokbox title=|Fortune PR New Logo| thumb=|images/stories/thumbnail/logonewfortunepr_thumb.jpg| thumbsize=|151 123|size=|854 505| album=|demo|}{/rokbox} {rokbox title=|New Video Emphasizes Diverse of PR Commentary in Worldcom| thumb=|images/stories/thumbnail/worldcomvideothumb1.jpg| thumbsize=|151 123|size=|854 505| album=|demo|}{/rokbox} Introduction of New Fortune PR Logo New Video Emphasizes Diverse of PR Commentary in Worldcom ...

Let’s dance Salsa (Again) with Fortune Aerobics!

Vacuum due to Lacking of Members Who says that sports community of the Fortuners (Fortune Group employees) is dominated only by men? So far, Fortuners (Fortune Group employees) are more familiar with internal sport clubs that are considered masculine, such as Kosaltun (Fortune Futsal Community), Kobatun (Fortune Basketball Community), and PB ...

Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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