Creative and Innovative Thinking in Business

lightbulb_ideaPeople commonly say to themselves: “I’m not creative”. In fact, creativity is something that can be trained if we are willing and determined on it. You need to break the theory that high creativity only belongs to certain people.
The rise and fall of business depend on your creativity. Your business might be currently up and running but the market does not need your products or services. The market needs solutions and benefits instead. Therefore, business people must be innovative which means they should create products and services that are accepted by the community (the market). Innovation does not always have to be something grand but your products or services have to be beneficial to as many people as possible.
There are many creative ways of thinking that you can master. Here are some of the powerful ways that you can use.
1. SCAMPERR Technique. It’s a technique to Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Re-arrange, and Reverse.
2. Association. It is connecting one thing to another to generate new ideas.
3. Borrowing People’s Minds. It’s a technique to use other people’s perspective and insights in order to generate ideas that we have never thought of.
4. Bending assumptions. This is a technique in which we think out of the box by altering assumptions.
5. Intuition. It is how to use your intuition to generate ideas.
Creativity is a skill or ability. As you drive a car, you can switch gears quickly because you have practiced and you are used to it. For those who do not have the skill and are not used to it, it will be difficult. The same holds true for creativity, we have to practice and get used it. Once you master and get accustomed to it, you will automatically think creatively.
Source :
Rahmat ST.