Best Savings Ramadan Pertamina Along Fortune Indonesia

The fasting month is a month full of blessing. The proof of this year’s Fortune got the blessing with the unbelievable work on Television Commercial (TVC) Fasting Eid al-Fitr Pertamina. TVC Pertamina themed fasting and Eid al-Fitr this time different by before, although the two concepts are related, but for the concept 2 this TVC each have the power of a different story.
Great concept of this TVC is remind us how important charity. Charity is the best us world savings because later in the hereafter we will take shelter/shelter under alms. With the background of the inner conflict between the boy with his father, where the son felt his father was hiding something from her. Because each time he drove his father taking retirement, his father always asked him to deliver them a bridge. Until a child’s curiosity when the unstoppable again, making him determined to trace the destination of his father always bridge and in the end he finds the answers that made him become a familiar destination from his father during this time. This TVC production process took 2 locations in Bogor, namely ‘Taman Kencana’ neighborhood and Village Sempur. Shooting production of his long reach 3 today. During production theres no problems which means the only factor the weather (rain) that makes the process of shooting the occasional pause until the rains subside.
For the position of Director of TVC is entrusted to Vita Ismuhadi after going through a pretty rigorous selection process. Vita judged worthy of a download direct this TVC because in terms of the portfolio and the understanding of the concept of this TVC, Vita in line with us and judged able to provide input that can strengthen their execution from the side. And in the end results of the TVC as we expected. One of the set of locations that are built are home Studying Ahmad, who happens to be the Home of real Learning, built by the local community. So after shooting finished, property such as stationery, table, closet and more; created for the purpose of shooting can be donated to the sister-brother in the Home Study.
Colorful bridge that we used for location shooting is a proposal from the Director gained after check locations. We’re pretty excited by the presence of unique colorful bridge to add color in this TVC, do not forget, we also take pictures there before leaving the site. The process of making this TVC we passed with great joy. We hope the audience can feel the synergy of goodness that we feel and want to pass on.