Activator Together with PT. HPM Hold an Exhibition and Launch of New Odyssey 2018

Fortune Indonesia, together with PT. Honda Prospect Motor (HPM), held an exhibition and launch of the latest Honda product, the New Odyssey 2018. The event, which took place on March 1 to 4, 2018, introduced the latest HPM product “New Odyssey 2018” as well as served as a public exhibition to promote CRV Turbo and some other cars produced by Honda.

Targeting the middle to upper-class market segment, Mall Central Park was chosen to host this event. JKT48, as the endorser of New Odyssey 2018, enlivened the event. In that event, the J team of JKT48 livened up the launch of the New Odyssey. Performing with Melody, one of its members who would be graduated in April 2018, the event managed to attract even more visitors. Many print and digital media personnel, amounting to 50 people, also attended the event. The event held just before the Lunar New Year got a positive response from the visitors. This exhibition successfully grabbed the attention of the mall visitors who usually come to shop not to buy a car.