Fortune Group Announces 120 Learning Hours for each Fortuner in a year

To start the year 2017, Fortune Group announces the achievement of 120 learning hours per Fortuner in the year ahead. “Our main resource is human. The Fortuners. Self development is an absolute thing that should always be done. If you want to develop your business, the key is to develop the human resources,” said Indira Abidin, Director of Fortune Group.
The data released by IBM state that the companies that prepare strategies and learning tools for the employees will potentially increase productivity by up to 50%. Every dollar spent by the company is expected to return by 30 dollars from the resulting productivity. Other data say that nearly 25% of employees leave their jobs because of the lack of self-development opportunities (training) provided by the company. On the contrary, the company which provides sufficient self-development program for the employees are able to increase revenue by 26% per employee.
This fact strongly encourages Fortune Group to launch the 120 learning hours. In order to achieve the target of 120 hours, Human Capital Development (HCD) of Fortune PR routinely conduct training for Fortuners every Thursday or Friday with a duration of 2-3 hours per session. The topics range from sharing knowledge, industry development update, to other topics that require the presence of guest trainers.
“Of the 120 hours, we will facilitate training sessions for every Fortuner for around 96 hours per year through our regular weekly training. The rest can be achieved by each Fortuner through self-learning,” explained Yanti Amellia, HCD Fortune PR Manager. In addition to class training, the concept of 120 learning hours also includes self learning undertaken by each Fortuner, for example reading articles and references related to the industry and occupations, brainstorming, etc.
In line with Fortune PR, Fortune Indonesia also targets the same thing. Training hours are targeted to increase from 9 hours per Fortuner per year to 15 hours per Fortuner per year. The rest can be achieved through self-learning by each Fortuner. “We have set up a system, like filling out timesheet, for Fortuners to complete every time they do self-learning,” said Nu Rochim Achmad, HCD Director of Fortune Indonesia.
The learning hours achievement (self-development) per Fortuner is expected to contribute to the Key Performance Indicator with a weight of 5-10%. In Fortune PR, Fortuners’ learning hours reports even become the main indicator of the assessment for their promotion.