Fortuners Comments on “Never Boring Films”

Name: Buwana Rizal

Position: Activation Officer

Team: Mocca

 I like action genre films, I think action movies are exciting and reflect myself. The action movie I like and always watch is Transformers, I always watch the series since it was first released. My other favorite movie is Pacific Rim.

Name: Ayu Linggasari

Position: Business Executive

Team: FACT

I really like watching movies. If I get home earlier from work, I will always take time to watch. I prefer romantic comedy genre, because it is hilarious yet it still has the drama. My favorite movie is The Family Stone because the story is all about family and it really inspires me.

Name: Dicky Chandra

Position: Graphic Designer

Team: Activator

 I prefer colossal genre movies because I like to see the grandeur and the film’s cinematography, the art really shows off. My favorite movie is Lord of the Ring and Life of Pie, I think the films have cool stories and great cinematography.

Name: Wiwien. S

Position: MIS Manager

Team: MIS

 I love watching thriller genre movies. Before watching a film, check out who the director is, because if it is directed by an experienced director, the movie must be good. Recently, I often watch The Following and my favorite series is Dexter. I’d like to recommend you to watch films directed by Quentin Tarantino, such as Inglorious Bastards & Jango Unchained or Wolf of Wall Street directed by Martin Scorsese, I guarantee the films are great. 🙂

Name: Andryan Wijaya

Position: PR Consultant

Team: Headline

 I love the comedy genre movies, but I like comedy drama the most. Because they have smarter humor elements and the films usually have nice quotes. My favorite is the Friends series for the setting is more to reality that is made into films. The series have good title and actors.