Google’s 5 Ideas for The Future of Digital Advertising

5 ideas that Google thinks will shape the future of digital advertising

1.Choice: Ad views will be voluntary.

The ad viewers will be given choices. Whether to see it or not: users can view the ads voluntarily without being forced. Google is implementing this principle on YouTube videos. The advertiser only pays if the user chooses to see the ads on YouTube video. With this ad model, the user does not feel annoyed and the advertiser only pays for the activities that the user performs on the digital advertising material presented.

2.Control: Users will participate in the ecosystem if we provide enough value and control

Internet users will voluntarily participate in the ecosystem/take the ads which Google provides with useful value and full control for the user. For example, when users do a search on YouTube, view, and watch videos in certain categories, they will usually see some videos recommended by YouTube the next day they visit YouTube. Users will be happy to see ads that are appropriate/relevant to their interests. The programmatic buying era is increasing, but Google (Susan Wojcicki) sees something is missing.

3. Charm: Ads will be more interactive and beautiful-at scale.

‘At scale’ in this expression would be better translated as ‘to the fullest’. The internet is an `amazing canvas`, we can create as freely and creatively as possible. Launching Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung live-streamed the 90-minute event of the launch via a lot of channels. The users can just click on the ad if they are interested to see the live broadcast of Galaxy S4 launch.

4. Connected: Ads will help people live their lives on the go.

Nowadays, to facilitate their activities, people have multiple devices such as mobile phone, tablet, and desktop computer. With the many devices, Google wants to present ads that are relevant to the users’ context when using the devices.

5. Calibration: All ads will be measured. Clicks will be only one type of measurement.

As an advertiser, `reach` and` impact` are the parameters measured. For reach, Google has been working on active GRP (gross rating point) which measures the frequency of offline media campaigns. With Active GRP, advertisers can implement and compare the similar metrics for the display advertising campaigns. When a brand was exposed to 1 million people, how much impact will be obtained? Impact can mean the number of customers obtained, the number of sales, and the number of customers who will be loyal in the future. Although impact is difficult to measure, Google has prepared a ‘brand survey lift’. Brand Survey Lift measures the branding impact of the online campaigns.

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source : kukuhtw/2013/10/12/5-ide-untuk-masa-depan-digital-advertising-menurut-google/