Kinship, the Foremost Bond of Fortuners

Top Scores are given to Values, Corporate Image, and Teamwork in Employee Engagement Survey in 2013

SONY DSCNot many companies are able to transform the corporate culture as a force to build the employees’ loyalty. However, the kinship rooted in FORU has managed to become the dominant aspect to retain the potential talents in the Company!

It is revealed in the result of Employee Engagement Survey conducted by the Human Capital Development (HCD) of FORU cooperating with a human resources management consultant, Bina Dinamika Potensia. Conducted on August 28, 2013 until September 17, 2013, the survey began with an online process involving about 200 employees of Fortune Indonesia, Fortune PR, Fortune Adwicipta, and Pelita Alembana from various years of service, age, gender, work unit, and position levels ranging from staff or senior staff to bussiness unit director and managing director.

From the 200 respondents, 30 percent of the sample or about 60 Fortuners chosen at random took part in the interview stage. “It aims to crosscheck the information obtained from the online survey,” said Endang Retno Wardhani, Director of Bina Dinamika Potensia upon exposure of the survey result on Friday, November 1, 2013 in Agus Salim room, Gedung Galaktika.

SONY DSCDhani (her nickname) revealed that the survey was used to explore ten aspects, namely leadership, motivation, security feeling or a sense of safety and comfort in the work, management system which includes order of rules, clarity of function, status, and duties, performance development or performance development program, recognition or awards for both monetary and non-monetary achievements, values that become the basis for the company’s work processes, company image or image of the company, working environment and all the facilities, and lastly, teamwork.

“The ten aspects were explored through a number of questions designed according to the needs for information deepening,” said Dhani. The assessment of each aspect is represented by the score of one to five. The score of one represents the feeling of very dissatisfied, two for dissatisfied, three for less satisfied, four for satisfied, and five for very satisfied.

From the survey conducted, it can be concluded that certain aspects managed to earn the highest score, i.e. values, company image, and teamwork. “During our surveys, kinship has always been in the top five. This is the foremost bonding factor that Fortuners must maintain through a variety of internal company policies and programs,” said Nur Rochim Achmad, Associate HCD Director of FORU.

SONY DSCHowever, there are some aspects that still have rooms for improvement. This is reflected in the survey results that reveal Fortuners’ hopes to be given equality of facilities, improvement of development programs that are specific and targeted, more detailed explanation about the job description and employees’ status, increased prosperity, and an emphasis on the role of the superiors in developing subordinates to strengthen cooperation in the team.

“The index of employee engagement with the company is essential to be discovered since a strong bond will be reflected in the Fortuners’ behavior. The clients will eventually feel it as well when interacting with their respective functional specialization. It will have a significant impact on the work and the customer value. The high customer value can be a binder for customers in the long range,” said Rochim. “In addition, this survey can also be a reference in determining strategically the human resource development policies. There are factors that should be maintained, and there are also factors that must be improved and developed,” he said.

Besides the Employee Engagement Survey, FORU also conducted Customer Engagement Survey involving 40 customers of Fortune Indonesia and Fortune PR. The research methodology is similar that is using questionnaires and interviews. In the survey, there are eight aspects to be explored, namely strategic planning in the preparation of media concepts, creativity, media planning accuracy, service sensitivity, corporate image, corporate identity, diversity and product quality, and support of all related functions.

From the survey results, customers claimed that a number of points are excellent; one of them is the very competitive price. However, the quality of a number of other aspects needs to be improved continuously. For example, output quality, original creative ideas, consistency of human resource quality, better planning, and sharpness in capturing the customers’ wants and needs.

Responding to the survey results, Director of FORU, Indra Abidin, stated that there are still many opportunities to improve the standard of service to clients. “In the era of technology that keeps changing business models, everything is demanding Fortune business groups  to always provide superior standard, dare to propose creative and new ways, and fulfill tasks assigned by clients to Fortune companies,” said Indra.