Building Human Capital, FORU Prepares Enrichment Modules for PAUD Teachers and Parents

rezise-2-300x204Sanggar Fortune, an extension of FORU’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on early childhood education, is reinforcing its position. On Thursday, March 5, 2015, Indira Abidin, as FORU Corporate Secretary and supervisor of Sanggar Fortune, represented Sanggar Fortune to sign a memorandum of cooperation with Komunitas Rumah Pencerah (KRP) in the composition of enrichment modules for parents and teachers of Nursery Schools (PAUD). The modules are to be reproduced so as to be used by all PAUD teachers and parents in Indonesia.

The first phase of the trial of the module for PAUD teachers and parents has been completed. Furthermore, the modules will be evaluated and revised, after that the second phase of the trial will be conducted, and then they are ready to launch. All the process is targeted to complete by the end of 2015.

In the cooperation, FORU plays the role as the creative team, while KRP serves as the provider of the materials and the sources. The partnership is directly supervised by Fery Farhati Ganis, the wife of Anies Baswedan, Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs of Indonesia.

“We are aware that the development of human capital is the main requirement for the success of Fortune Group as well as Indonesia. Therefore, we are cooperating with KRP to compose enrichment modules for PAUD teachers and parents since they are the foundation builders of the human capital who will develop our company and our country Indonesia.” said Indira.