Information and Statistic Data Center- Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (Pusat Data Statistik dan Informasi – Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan)


The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries needs to actualize its vision that is “Development of sustainable and competitive maritime and fisheries sectors for society welfare” and to achieve “Indonesia as the center of world maritime” through missions, goals, and strategic targets.


  • To enhance positive supports and active participations from stakeholders toward the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries’ policies.
  • To help the Ministry to actualize their vision through several activities


  • Provide strategic communication consultation to Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • Provide support in internal communication program for team of the Ministry
  • Assist the Ministry on their digital communication campaign
  • Support the Ministry with strategic media relation and activation services
  • Support the Ministry in creating the creative and innovative policies dissemination
  • Building engagement with international stakeholders


One of the key points that support the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia to be the big three governmental institutions with excellent performance.