Warga Mengajar : Hand Wash Heroes of Sanggar Fortune 4 Learn to Fight Germs


“By washing hands, our body becomes healthy, bacteria are gone, Hyat! Hyat! Hyat!” the cute voice of hand wash heroes when saying the Hand Washing Pledge closed the excitement of Warga Mengajar that day. This time, children in Sanggar Fortune 4 located in Cilandak got the visit from Fortuners on October 27, 2015.

The children under five were also introduced to ugly and nasty germs that like to spread diseases and the steps of washing hands properly. Fabian, a three-year-old boy who was initially reluctant to play and just sat in his mother’s arms was slowly starting to look enthusiastic when Kak Suri came and invited the kids to play with colored glitter powder. They were introduced to the spread of germs through the glitter that can spread easily when it touches people and the surrounding objects. After coloring the picture of germs and got dirty with glitter, the children learned how to properly wash hands with soap and water.

Warga Mengajar activity in October edition was enlivened by Kak Ayunda, PR Consultant Ftech and Kak Suri, PR Consultant FIRF. Through the teaching activities of the day, Kak Ayunda and Suri introduced the danger of germs and the importance of washing hands at certain times to students of Sanggar Fortune 4.