Afdhal & Tody Making Hobbies into Business Opportunities

2 (2)When did you join Fortune Indonesia?

Afdhal: I first joined in 2010. Fortune is my first office after college.

Why were you interested in working here? Was it because of your educational background?

I was majoring in Visual Communication Design (DKV) at National Institute of Technology (ITENAS) Bandung. In the early years of college, I did not know the future promise of the major I took. Gradually, I knew that I could work in the advertising offices. Initially, I was quite surprised with the work schedule, but I could slowly adapt.

What reasons made you decide to work again at Fortune Indonesia?

After working for some time in Fortune, I resigned. But not long after, I re-joined Fortune. The reasons why I came back working at Fortune are because the environment is so familiar; I can meet many people, and I can learn from the spirit of Fortune, i.e. Can Do.

What are your activities besides working?

Recently, I just started a clothing line with the brand Jakarta Shitees in December 2013 and released in February 2014. Since my hobby and job are designing, so this other activity really fits me. For the initial production, we have prepared five T-shirt designs. We plan to release new designs in every three months. The target users of the T-shirts are the youth ranging from high school students to employees.

How did you get the inspiration for Jakarta Shitees project? What is the uniqueness of the T-shirts of the clothing line JKT Shitees?

Jakarta Shitees makes a travesty people in the capital city usually joke about everyday of the problematic life in Jakarta. Usually when my friends and I get together, we always make jokes. Well, the jokes become my inspiration to design the T-shirts, for instance, the sketch of Jokowi’s face that is made like David Bowie’s, Adi. ms’s name with a logo that resembles a famous shoe brand, or a picture of Benjamin Sueb on a Vespa. Currently, we are focusing on T-shirts, the outfit more commonly used by many people, over shirts.

Who manages Jakarta Shitees?

I am not the only one to take care of it. Tody Syalar of Fortune Indonesian Touchpoint team works with me. And we have Anggara who takes care of the accounting. Initially, I offered Tody a proposal. I was sure Tody would be cooperative because he understands this industry. It did not take long until Tody approved my proposal and we immediately started. The current marketing of JKT Shitees is through social media such as Facebook Jakarta Shitees and Instagram @Jktshitees.

You have a hectic work schedule, how do you manage your time between work and this activity? Who is the target market of Jktshitees T-shirts?

Tody: Weekend is the time to take care of Jakarta Shitees. We take a special time on weekend to focus on taking care of it. We are trying to do this business without interfering in office work hehe… So, communication is done by creating a chat group in cell phone.

Then how do you develop and market Jakarta Shitees?

Tody: The marketing is through social media like Facebook fan page Jakarta Shitees and Instagram @Jktshitees. We also use street marketing so that people will get curious and finally get familiar with us, so our customers are not limited only to those in our working environment. We do the street marketing by posting stickers in public places. Besides that, we also support friends who are active in their community such as skater.

What are your expectations for the future?

Tody: My work at the office runs well and Jakarta Shitees can reach the break-event point and be purchased by many people. We are very proud when we see people wearing the T-shirts we designed. Right now, we are feeling excited to get international customers from Poland. He saw our products in Facebook and ordered T-shirts with the picture of Jokowi resembling David Bowie.