Coloring Flowers Becomes a Fun Activity

WM FEb1 reSanggar Fortune Nursery School

In the morning of January 29, 2013, a faint singing in the distance was heard in the middle of the pouring rain saying “Lihat Kebunku… Penuh Dengan Bunga…” (See my garden… it’s full of flowers) sung passionately by the students of Sanggar Fortune Nursery School in Ragunan. They were dancing and singing with Fortuners, Kristo Hananto from Headline team of Fortune PR and Wardiah Fitriany from Human Capital Development (HCD) team of Fortune Indonesia who were teaching so enthusiastically about flowers to the Nursery students. “Who can guess, what is this flower? Rose… Rose…” Kristo’s voice and the nursery students’ cheers were heard interspersed with their laughter. The class with flowers as the theme of the day taught by Fortuners attracted the enthusiasm of about 25 students; they still look eager and cheerful even though it was raining heavily outside.

Fitri and Kristo introduced 10 kinds of flowers from Indonesia and foreign countries, like Sakura flowers from Japan. Fitri also didn’t forget to introduce to the students about Indonesian flower Rafflesia Arnoldi. “The flower Rafflesia Arnoldi can only be found in Indonesia, this flower is considered as the world’s largest flower and it comes from Indonesia,” said Fitri as she showed a picture of the flower Rafflesia Arnoldi to the students. After that, they were asked to stand up again to sing and dance through the song KebunKu. The students were also invited to color the pictures of flowers on the drawing paper distributed by the Fortuners. Kristo, Fitri and the Nursery teachers kept the students company while they were coloring. “Thank God, today the students were very enthusiastic and pleased with the arrival of the Fortuners,” said Iik Munigar as a teacher of Sanggar Fortune Nursery School Ragunan.

WM FEB2 re“When I got the offer, I felt really challenged, because I am not accustomed to deal closely with Nursery students before. It turned out to be great to experience new things, especially in sharing joy with them,” Kristo said when asked about his impression after teaching the students. “Yeah, I’m glad to see little children because I think everything associated with children must be fun,” replied Fitri who had been very fond of children. The cheerfulness that morning was closed with a group photo of all the teachers and students of Sanggar Fortune Nursery School Ragunan. “Hopefully, we can maintain this good relationship,” said Iik at the end of the Fortuners visit. (fen)