Effective Negotiating Techniques

negotiation-skillsThe definition of negotiating can vary from place to place but Work911.com describes it as:
The process by which two or more parties with different needs and goals work to find a mutually acceptable solution to an issue
This is a skill that anyone can use at almost any stage of life.  Learning effective negotiating skills can definitely help you advance your career and become successful.  It doesn’t matter if you have the best business skills out there learning how to negotiate will help.

Five Effective Negotiating Techniques
Below you’ll find five negotiating techniques that will help you achieve positive negotiations
Confidence is key – Don’t think about how bad you want your desired outcome, if the other party that you’re negotiating with thinks you may be desperate then they’ll be in a better position in the process.Be Prepared – Prior to starting a negotiation, think about all of the variables that may surface. Make sure that you expect issues to come up and when as they do postpone the negotiations and learn more about the new matter before starting the negotiation again.Leave Some Room – Don’t start a negotiation with what your desired outcome. Leave a “cushion” between what your initial offer is and what it is that you actually want. This gives you the chance to compromise and not give up anything important which also shows the other person that you are flexible.Realize Your Limits – Before the negotiations start figure out what your lowest offer is and do not be afraid to walk away from the negotiations if you can’t get at least your minimum.Stay Composed – Negotiations can at times get heated, so if they do simply take a few minutes to gather your thoughts and assess the situation. If the other person does not agree on your compromise then figure out if it is more beneficial to continue and or walk away.

Hopefully these tips will get you started with negotiations and successfully getting what you’re asking for. If you are interesting in additional advanced negotiating tips or professional training consider attending an accredited university that offers negotiation courses.