Creative Advertising Strategies

blubWhen it comes to promoting your business, think outside the box. You can be proactive about advertising your company without spending gobs of money on marketing campaigns. Here are a few ideas.
What do you do to relax? If you like going to the gym or rock climbing, why not wear a shirt that has your business information on it? If you travel, take a backpack or suitcase with your company’s name on it. If you sing at a karaoke bar, give a shout out to your business. And if anyone asks you about it, have business cards on hand to give him or her. Speaking of business cards, these can go a long way to promote your company. If someone offers you a flier, take it and give him or her a card in return.
Attach the business card to the bill at a restaurant or leave it with your tip. Give business cards to people you meet in casual circumstances. Think of how many people you see in a day: at the grocery store, in the waiting room at the doctor’s or dentist’s, in the elevator. Take advantage of these opportunities.
Magnetic business cards are another good thing to carry around. People love free magnets to hold things on their fridge.
Hand some out to all of your friends and family members and give them extras in case someone visiting their home sees your business and asks about it. Put a giant version on your car. Magnetic signs usually run for under a hundred dollars, and promo plates are only thirty. Hundreds of people see your car everyday–in the parking lot, in traffic, in your driveway. It’s an easy way to advertise.
In your conversation with other people, let them know what you do. Don’t be a boor and talk only about your business–that will probably have the opposite effect of what you want–but don’t be shy about your company either. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to establish a clientele. One way people will pass the word along is if you are involved with your kids’ activities. Maybe your business can help sponsor a sports team or activity. This not only tells the other parents about your company, it also sends a good message about your family priorities.
Effective advertising starts with a shift in your own mentality. Begin by seeing every moment as an opportunity to share your business with others. Be tasteful about how you do it, but be bold. Your business won’t grow if you don’t do anything to help it.