Corporate Values


Fortune PR has a set of Values that are compatible with the Group’s. The Values are specified herewith. This serves as a guide to address issues in the company’s daily life. The values should be the foundation of all decision making process in Fortune PR.


  • Integrity is the precondition of my employment
  • I dare being transparent for I am trustworthy, upholding honesty and being in charge of my own words and behavior
  • My word is my bond. When I cannot fulfill what I have said and promised I will notify it and apologize beforehand
  • I will always be punctual for clients, my colleagues and all company partners (suppliers)
  • I will not engage in any activity that are not beneficial for myself, for the company and for the greater public
  • I fight against all kinds of corruption including time corruption. I understand that corruption is dangerous for me and my self worth as an individual, a team member and a citizen
  • I believe in congruence. What I think, say and do is the same wherever, whenever I am, in my personal life and professional life


  • All colleagues are my beloved family members that I have to respect
  • I will not let my family down by giving less than outstanding performance
  • I nurture myself, and I nurture my family members. Their success is mine. Their failure is also mine. Therefore i have to win together with my family.
  • I show respect through my words, my behaviours and body language
  • I communicate with them well and on equal basis
  • I endeavor to build a great family out of my colleagues and do my best for them through ideas, performance and words
  • I manage my difference of opinions with colleagues through best resolutions to build synergy


  • I understand that everything worth doing is worth doing excellently
  • I always make efforts to provide best services within my industry and sector, outperform my competitors
  • In whatever I do, I am responsive, responsible and proactive. I don’t blame anyone for whatever happen. If it’s to be, it’s up to me
  • I always strive to educate and train myself, make attempts to be forward looking, benefitting my personality, company, all clients and the greater public today and in the days to come
  • I develop myself by contributing to the development of my clients, colleagues, company and the greater public
  • I maintain satisfaction and loyalty of all people who relate with me, all of my clients, colleagues and work partners (including suppliers)
  • I always try to give something beyond the expectation of my clients and colleagues
  • I make things happen. I am the change I want to see in this world.


  • Through my works, I build a better life for the greater society, my colleagues and my own family
  • I care for the betterment of my society, therefore I will not accept cigarette companies, alcohol producers, gambling houses, nightlife entertainment or weapon distributors as my clients
  • I always advocate for what I believe is important for society in my everyday life, including environment, health, mother and children’s welfare, pro-poor/pro-growth/pro-job activities
  • I will always watch a good balance between work and life, family and the society
  • Part of my income will be dedicated to empower those that are marginalized
  • I care for this earth. I always strive to use environment-friendly products, reduce my consumption, reuse everything I use and do my best to recycle
  • I understand that every single thing I do have impacts on earth, therefore I will only do things that will create the betterment on this earth, as this is the reason I was born in this world


  • I understand that God is unlimited and that everything is possible upon his permission. Therefore I will never say impossible. I will always think creatively to make everything happen for good causes and to pray for His helps.
  • I look for opportunities in everything, including all difficult challenges. I understand that problems are sources of opportunities
  • I am confident of being able to produce beyond what I am thinking and what others are thinking
  • I maintain positive communication with all parties to bring positive result coupled with added value
  • I am always self-confident and God willing, optimistic
  • I do not ridicule my colleagues or the company. I give my constructive advice directly.
  • I come with a solution, I don’t recognize problems, I regard problems as challenges
  • I don’t jump into conclusion, and I don’t have prejudices against anyone especially my family
  • I don’t gossip or spread rumors. I will judge based on data.
  • I will not speak negatively. I will only speak for good causes in a positive way.


  • I believe that by providing the best quality of work, money will follow.
  • I focus on short term and long term satisfaction and loyalty, that in the end will bring profitability
  • I understand that when I create value, eventually profit will come. So I focus on producing value to create wealth for the big family at work and at home